The Folic Acid Confusion
The difference between Folic Acid and Folate. There are cases when taking a synthetic supplement can yield more benefit than a natural...
I'm putting together a list of supplements I take. Below is the list so far. Vitamin D Vitamin D acts on over 1,000 different genes and...
Fix Your Frame: Back pain? Knee pain? Try this...
Bad back? Knee pain? It could be weak glutes! More specifically, weak Gluteus Medius! Try this simple exercise. #shoulderpain...
Fix Your Frame: Weak Gluteus Medius
Many back issues are due to weak Gluteus. Check out this video on an exercise that will help. #fixyourframe #squat #posture #chelsea...
How much alcohol is the safe amount to drink?
A comprehensive worldwide study of alcohol use and its impact on health concludes that the safest level of consumption is zero. A new...
Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise
In the past, multiple sclerosis patients were advised not to exercise for fear of exacerbating the illness. However, it is now known that...